Complexity Management Services

The rapid increase of turbulence of the global economy is becoming a major concern of the 21st century. In a turbulent economy highly complex processes and organizations are difficult to manage and are inherently fragile. Therefore, high complexity becomes the main enemy of business stability and sustainability.  Furthermore, excessively complex businesses are less competitive, more vulnerable in the face of extreme events and turbulence and less profitable. Consequently, complexity must be reduced. We have the means to do it.

Our exclusive complexity management services are based on rational complexity quantification, helping our customers simplify their business processes in a measureable manner, resulting in:

  • Reduced business fragility and exposure.
  • Higher profitability.
  • Improved sustainability.
  • A more resilient business structure.

Download flyer on Business Simplification.

Our approach to complexity is quantitative. We believe that if you can’t measure it you can’t manage it.

Science gets serious when you begin to measure.


Contact us for more information.