Tips for Transformation – D.E.D.I.C.A.T.I.O.N. is what you need!

Tipping PointThe following is a mere extract from an excellent article that, literally, spells out THE messages that successful ‘Business Leaders’ of the future are already heeding.

Whilst others, instead of acknowledging the flaws and failures of conventional ‘wisdom’, remain trapped by the engrained-thinking of the prevailing culture, more enlightened leaders are happy to ‘exploit’ the competitive advantage presented to them.

Learning lessons from nature has never been more important…

More great work Giles. Thanks

The ‘new norm’ of turbulence in business requires a shift in conventional management thinking from over-reliance on top-down, hierarchical, risk-based approaches to managing within complexity.  Managing within complexity juggles and combines varying styles and techniques. It encourages bottom-up emergence to flourish; establishing an all-pervasive values-led work ethic while guiding and coaching.

via Ten Top Tips for Transformation.

The most effective, and sustainable, way to facilitate organizational change is to focus on improving business processes. Especially, key processes like R&D portfolio selection, product design and development, manufacturing, marketing and sales, and fulfilment strategy. If we get these processes right then the right culture and the right people will follow. Process is driven directly by business and customer needs. Culture and behaviour follow process.

Baker Street Publishing

The consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton has published a wonderful collection of articles on culture titled, Don’t Blame Your Culture: Instead, make the most of it for raising your company’s performance.  Jon Katzenbach is one of the leading authors.  He is a respected 50 year veteran of the organizational change wars.  See the video below.  I recommend the collection to decision coaches.   The collection is offered for mobile apps, e.g., iPhone, iPad, Android devices, etc.

I’ve learned from experience that there are four levers that a CEO can work with to change an enterprise: the people, the organization chart, process, and culture.    The organization chart is easy to change so we see lots of CEO’s try that.  It is also relatively easy for a CEO to change people.  Some CEO’s are even foolhardy enough to make a direct attack on culture.   Most of these change…

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Competitive advantage from new insights on customers, risks and business cycles – Bain & Co.

It isn’t rocket science to figure that, if we keep asking the same questions, using the same metrics and look for familiar patterns in data we won’t get new, better answers or identify new patterns!

Identifying, mapping, monitoring and managing causal relationships is a means by which carriers of financial/insurance risk can seize a considerable competitive advantage…from an informational advantage.

Ontonix enables organisations [insurers] to do just that…in real-time, if required!

So, instead of relying upon attempts to predict the unpredictable and reflexive, post-loss, analysis the opportunity exists for ‘crisis anticipation’. Our experience of working across a wide range of sectors – from healthcare to aviation, automotive and engineering design to banking – is that, our unique analysis can enable effective loss prevention. A, potentially, transformational development for firms involved in insurance risk transfer, investing for future returns or protecting against unknown (or unknowable) future events…so where are the ‘Risk Leaders’? Read more of this post

Quite simply the most enlightened presentation EVER!

This isn’t just about ‘you’ as an individual it is about you, or in reality, us or WE, as social beings in every environment! Superb lessons in life for anyone willing and able to unlearn, learn and re-learn…it’s never too late!

I’m not trying to sell anybody anything, have no reason to promote this presentation and I’m not a ‘this will change your life’ kinda guy, but there is enough here to challenge what too many people don’t or haven’t even questioned and really should.

The Start-up of You

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Don’t Let Complexity Kill Your Sales Model – Forbes

I’ve tried BUT, grudgingly, accepted that you just can’t show people – who are blinded by their own self-importance, ignorance or whose vision is impaired by the blinkers of an engrained belief-system – stuff that they just don’t want to see!

When things start to head in the wrong direction ‘they’ are the one’s fastest to seek to apportion blame. Whether it is the “market”, the competition, the supply chain, a division, team  or specific individual there has always got to be someone or something to point at to deflect criticism away from them. Strangely this brand of leader are never so quick to acknowledge the impact of factors, often outwith their scope of control, when they add up to success!

These people are business leaders in name or position but NOT in nature. They are able to perpetuate what they have learnt but at the expense of what they should know. They have spent so long reaping the rewards of manipulating systems – to sustain the financial returns the model DEMANDS – that they have become so obsessed with the golden eggs, they forgot to feed the goose!

Business customers increasingly want their vendors to have real expertise in their specific industry or function, such as finance or marketing. They expect vendors to help solve business problems…

via Don’t Let Complexity Kill Your Sales Model – Forbes.

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